Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Green Home Cleaners Can Replace Carcinogenic Chemicals

In short, researchers have found that exposure to household cleaning products and air fresheners may increase risk of breast cancer, although I often wonder why there exists products like air fresheners. (Just clean out the source of the odor!!!)

Anyways, here is a link to the news article:
"Household cleaning products linked to breast cancer"

Here is a link to the original Enviornmental Health Journal:

Here is a link to some green cleaner alternatives:
"Green Home Cleaners Can Replace Cancer Causing Chemicals"

Or, if you don't like the DIY vineger/baking soda cleaners, make sure you read the labels and buy "all natural" cleaners. It's not just for your health but also for the environment. I personally use baking soda for a lot of cleaning. I wash non-organic vegetables with baking soda. I also use it to clean greasy surfaces. I also use it as bleach. The only downside is that you have to soak whatever you're trying to bleach in baking soda for hours. It's very very effective, and you don't get the stingy chemical smell around your household for hours after wards.


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