Friday, June 25, 2004

Canadian Politics

It recently strucked me that Canadian politics can be "exciting" as well (note the quote-unquote around the word exciting). There is a Federal Election coming up on June 28th, 2004, which is exactly what brought me to think about this.

I used to think that Canadian politics are boring and somewhat "useless". Politics in a country like Canada do not affect the world, at least not to a great deal. What you read on the newspaper everyday is either: (1) some Royal member's birthday; (2) some gun shots at some corners and no one was injured (not that I desire any casualties); or (3) some dog that's been missing for 2 days had been found; things like these, never anything too big. Canada has always been portraited as a calm and peaceful country.

Well, Canadian politics don't seem so farfetched now, and it is not as simple as you may have thought. It can influence our lives greatly, down to things earthly as tax payments, health care system and education system. Moreover, I found myself in the position that I'm voting for the "better" party out of the two "garbage" parties that are most likely to win instead of the party I really like. This is quite disappointing actually. What can I say? It's politics. :)

Below is the link to the Canadian federal election, 2004:

Thursday, June 10, 2004


今天走在多倫多市中心的街上, 早上才走過完好的人行道, 下午已全拆掉並鋪上鐵板了. 心中突然有感而發, 雖說加拿大人有點懶, 沒什麼工作效率. 但政府規定嚴格, 任何施工都要盡量不防礙到小民. 這種情形在台灣, 大概一整條行人道都挖了一點點, 傍晚下工, 也不蓋上鐵板, 整條人行道就給你封起來. 好一點的會圍上那種有布幕的鐵圍欄, 散一點的頂多擺上幾個施工中的橘色圓錐桶. 你若不小心掉下去, 嘿, 不要說我們沒有警告你, 有那麼多橘色圓錐桶, 沒看到嗎? 走路不方便是你家的事, 明天繞路吧!